Indonesia Mt. Argopuro

 Altitude1,200 - 1,500 MASL
 VarietalKartika, Bourbon, Typica
 RegionMt. Argopuro, East Java
Tasting NotesDark cherry, rambutan, jackfruit, creamy body

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Pak Muhlisin's Argopuro Arabica is a type of arabica coffee grown in smallholder plantations in the mountains of Argopuro Situbondo, East Java. It is cultivated at an altitude of 1,200-1,400 meters above sea level, resulting in a highly aromatic coffee. The cultivation process follows traditional methods, making it classified as organic coffee.
Pak Muhlisin's has been growing amazing coffees in Situbondo Regency, East Java Province of Java Island throughout his life. The coffee is grown at high elevations and focuses on natural processing to be more sustainable. The beans are dried with the cherry still intact, resulting in a strong and sweet flavor. The coffee has prominent notes of dark cherry, sweet plum, and strawberry. It also has a honey-like sweetness, creamy chocolate undertones, and a finish that hints at dark cherry.
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